Southern Plains Equipment
Stock #UA23058, Sale Price $14,000 Fits to Vermeer T655 trenchers 6’ max dig depth, 40” end roller, Narrow boom for 4502 chain, Weights 4600lbs
Stock #23122, Sale Price $139,000 Center mount trencher, Set up for 8” wide X 48” deep, Carbide rock chain, Front backhoe with 18” bucket, 6 way backfill blade, 127 HP Deutz TCD3.6L Diesel Engine, Seat rotator, Creep control, Air tires, Machine weighs 19,000lbs,
Stock #24176, Sale Price $840,000 Currently set at 8’ dig depth and 18” wide, Other booms and chain widths available. Elevating cab, Dirt drags, 24” wide track pads, 40” end idler, Approximant weight: 105,000lbs with 8’ narrow boom, 415HP Cat Turbo Diesel, Teir 4 final,