Southern Plains Equipment
Stock #UA23089, Sale Price $32,000 6” cutting depth, 76 teeth, Hydraulic side shift, Hydraulic depth and tilt adjustment, Attachment weighs 2,200lbs Requires High flow 30 to 45 GPM, Requires hydraulic pressure 3000 – 3500psi, Requires 14pin electrical harness,
Stock #UA23023, Sale Price $12,500 Hydraulic Side shift, Hydraulic depth adjustment Hydraulic tilt, Requires minimum 35GPM Requires 7 pin electrical harness. Weights: 1300lbs
Sale price $39,000, UA21079 8” cutting depth 1 ½” thick cutting drum, 76 teeth, 5” tooth clearance from drum,, Hydraulic side shift, Hydraulic depth and tilt adjustment, Attachment weighs 2,900lbs Requires high flow,